Friday, September 4, 2009


Master inflicted on slave with a new toy the other day.

Master told slave to gather three implements, so she brought the tangerine root 'cane' that she carved, a black metal holey garage door piece and... slave brought some thick fuzzy rope that she had been dragging around as implement number three. When slave presented them she asked if it counted and waited for Masters decision.

As she had hoped, after a few moments of consideration Master went to work and quickly created what He named, Fluffy!

Now Fluffy was fun. Master inflicted on slave with the knotted rope that fell such a delightful way and had slave yelp in pain pretty quickly, until....
Master decided to imitate Stitch (the blue Disney alien) and go on about how He "Likes Fluffy!"

Oh gosh.

slave was giggling and yelping and soon had tears streaming down her face. All the while where Master had cut the rope Fluffy 'shedded' little bits of... fluff all over T/them and the floor. It was great.

Guess what? slave likes fluffy too.

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